What isOsteopathy?

Osteopaths assess patients from a mechanical, functional, and postural standpoint. This is achieved by mobility assessment, to move and palpate the joints and tissues of the body, and other special orthopaedic tests.
Physical treatment is directed towards the areas considered to be significant in each individual patient’s condition. It varies between people because everyone is different, some patients respond well to gentle treatment, such as osteopathy in the cranial field, whereas others will do better with stronger techniques such as High Velocity Thrust techniques (the famous clicking of spinal joints)The advantage is that osteopaths have a choice of many techniques to accommodate a great number of patients and their requirements.
Osteopaths may also provide a management plan; suggesting postural and lifestyle adjustments, how to manage current symptoms and prevention strategies which can include rehabilitation exercises.
Osteopaths look at every body as being unique. We believe that only by treating the individual, not just the symptoms, can problems be alleviated, and a true sense of well being restored.
Using skilled evaluation, diagnosis and a wide range of hands-on techniques, Osteopaths can identify dysfunction in your body. Osteopaths aim to optimise the function of your body and thereby alleviate symptoms.
The World Health Organisation recognises the Osteopathic concept of somatic dysfunction as being scientifically proven, and the British Medical Association also recognises Osteopathy as a discrete medical discipline.
In Australia, Osteopaths are statutorily registered practitioners with five years full-time university training. Their studies include anatomy, physiology, pathology, radiology, neuroscience, orthodox medical diagnosis as well as Osteopathic philosophy and technique.
Osteopaths are primary care practitioners, and are trained to recognise conditions that require medical referral. They are also trained to perform orthodox Physical, Orthopaedic and Neurological examination.
Note: osteopathy is covered by most private health funds and the Medicare Chronic Disease Management (CDM) scheme. Osteopaths are registered providers for workers’ compensation schemes, motor accident insurers and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
An American Doctor, Andrew Taylor Still developed the concept of Osteopathy in Missouri in the 1870’s. An outbreak of spinal meningitis, which took the life of several family members, drove Dr. Still to develop medical theories that differed dramatically from the popular medical theories of his time.
He criticized the inappropriate use of aggressive drug therapy, and advocated the treatment of the individual rather than the disease in isolation. Despite ridicule from his peers, Dr Still persisted with the development of his theories.
His success and popularity in practice led ultimately to the establishment of the American School of Osteopathy in 1892. At this time, the College offered two-year courses in Osteopathy. Under the guidance of Dr Still, these courses were open to women and minority groups. In the late 1800’s this practice was considered outrageous.
Osteopathy has evolved further to the point where it is now widely recognised throughout the world and has spawned many variant therapies such as chiropractic, myotherapy and musculoskeletal therapy.